

DWDNORO44 Radiology IRMER 
26 January 2024 
Booking closes: 26 January 2024 


Dr El-Belihy qualified from Bart’s and The Royal London in 2010. After completion of VT (Midlands) and three DCT years he was appointed as a Trust Specialty Registrar in OMFS in 2015 at Peterborough prior to starting his specialty training in Dental & Maxillofacial Radiology Pan London in 2017. 
Dr El-Belihy has completed PGCert in Dental Education and PGDip in Medical education. He gained Membership of the Academy of Medical Education in 2019. He completed the Diploma in Dental & Maxillofacial Radiology at the Royal College of Radiologists in 2021. Dr El-Belihy is currently a Consultant Dental & Maxillofacial Radiologist based at Queen Victoria Hospital in Sussex and Addenbrookes in Cambridge. He teaches undergraduates at Brimginham Dental Hospital and Postgraduates at Peninsula as well as IRMER updates for regional dentists in East of England. He is also an RCS England OSCE Examiner


Refresh knowledge of x-ray production, radiation regulations, risks and doses whilst emphasising the core principles of justification, limitation and optimisation methods in dental radiography.

This course satisfies the GDC core CPD requirements recommended for radiography and radiation protection and satisfies Schedule 2 of the IRMER regulations for practitioners

Recognise relevant aspects of radiation physics and radiation doses in relation to dental radiology

Recognise current statutory requirements and quality assurance in dental radiology

Identify anatomy relevant to dental radiology and review examples of dental & jaw pathology.



Learning outcomes:

Recognise the principles of radiation physics in dental radiology
Identify the risk of ionising radiation 
Recognise various imaging modalities available, including 2D and 3D (CBCT)

Identify radiation doses in dental radiography and the factors affecting radiation dose

•  Recognise current statutory requirements, quality assurance and selection criteria

Identify anatomy on intra-oral and panoramic images

GDC Development Outcomes C and D

- Analyse pathology presenting on plain imaging and synthesise likely diagnosis



Mohammad El-Belihy

£40 Dentist

£20 DCPs

Whole Team

Contact -


6 hour(s)

Total Places:

Available Places:
18 Places Available

Date:  Start Time:  End Time:  Venue/Room:  Address:  Site URL: 
26 Jan 24 09:00 AM 04:15 PM Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, Education Centre, Colney Lane, Norwich, Norfolk Link
Confirmation of your booking is subject to fulfilment of the following event requirement(s).