Masterclass - The Essentials of Effective Leadership  
18 April 2023 


Leadership is something that is often hard to define but is definitely recognised when it is missing. This interactive masterclass explores leadership, the skills and behaviours that contribute to effective leadership and the impact of different leadership styles.

Throughout the afternoon participants will be encouraged to explore their own leadership qualities, consider opportunities for further development, as well as gaining a greater understanding of the type of leader they aspire to become and identify where they are on their journey. 

Due to the nature of the training we strongly recommend that people from the same teams/departments do not attend the same event. Regardless of how good a working relationship you may have with your colleagues, we find that optimal training value from open discussion is better achieved if colleagues attend separately. 

Target Audience and Pre-requisite Requirement(s): Please refer to the tabs below.

Programme: Please click the PROGRAMME button for more information.

Fee(s): Please click BOOK NOW for fee information.

Related Courses: Once delegates have attended this masterclass they are advised to attend other Leadership, Management and Personal Development courses, in order to continue to develop further in these areas.

Wessex Training grade doctors (FY1+), Wessex SAS/Specialty doctors, Other Wessex delegates may attend as fee payers if a fee type is made available, Delegates from other regions may attend as fee payers if a fee type is made available


To help participants:

  • Develop a greater understanding of the skills and behaviours of other leaders
  • Examine some key leadership styles and their impact
  • Explore the key differences between leadership and management 

Total Places:

Available Places:
3 Waiting list places available

Date:  Start Time:  End Time:  Venue/Room:  Address:  Site URL: 
18 Apr 23 09:30 AM 12:30 PM Virtual platform NOT SPECIFIED Link
Confirmation of your booking is subject to fulfilment of the following event requirement(s).