NORO40 Safeguarding for Vulnerable Adults 
06 October 2023 


Stuart is a retired Detective Chief Inspector from Suffolk. During his 30 years’ he was involved in a wide variety of investigations across the spectrum and worked as a child abuse investigator as well as leading some significant investigations as an accredited Senior Investigating Officer. He currently delivers safeguarding training for SAFEcic and, when not working , enjoys family life  and can often be found in the vehicle marked 'Dad's Taxi' at various athletics and football venues; or  a down at the beach-hut on the Suffolk coast.


This course will update delegates with the latest legislation, government guidance and emerging
themes of safeguarding within the context of dentistry as detailed in "Safeguarding in general
dental practice, a toolkit for dental teams 2019"

Provide a comprehensive overview of the latest safeguarding legislation and guidance relevant
to the dental team, including the assessment of mental capacity and consent
Equip dental staff to use their professional and clinical knowledge to identify signs of abuse or
Detail how concerns of abuse should be managed within a multi-agency context.

Learning outcomes:

Describe appropriately the signs and symptoms of the possible abuse or neglect of adults at risk people with whom they come into contact..

Explain which individuals, organisations and reference documents they should refer to, and take advice from, if concerned about a patient’s wellbeing.

Outline how to assess mental capacity and evaluate risk when considering whether or not to request consent to share information about an adult at risk with the statutory authorities.

 GDC Development Outcomes A and B


- Speaker; Stuart McCallum

- Fee ; Dentists - £25 DCPs - £10

- Target audience; Whole Team

- Venue address; Room 10, Bob Champion Research and Education Building, Colney Lane, Norwich, NR4 7UQ

- Contact information for queries; Lauren Stubbings, lauren.stubbings@nnuh.nhs.uk, 01603 286898


3.5 hour(s)

Total Places:

Available Places:
15 Places Available

Date:  Start Time:  End Time:  Venue/Room:  Address:  Site URL: 
06 Oct 23 12:30 PM 04:00 PM Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, Education Centre, Colney Lane, Norwich, Norfolk Link
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